Monday, November 28, 2011

shopping spree (m)

It's not what you think.  Lyn and I go shopping on Wednesday, the day before Thanksgiving.  We get to the mall around 3 p.m. and tour Nordstrom's.  I buy a pair of Ugg's slippers, $2 cheaper than on Zappo's.

Next, we walk around, overwhelmed by all the options.  I am not in the mood for Christmas shopping.  I am not in a good mood these days as I am depressed about my mother.

At 4 p.m., we decide to have a light lunch.  We have a berry smoothie at an all-natural place.  The calorie count and other nutritional information is posted.  Not many points.  The guys working are nasty and out of place with the products they are serving.  If someone told me they were laundering money or dealing drugs or weapons, it would make more sense.

Still dragging despite the berry pick-me-up, we stop into a Lindt chocolate store.  Lyn asks if we can have a free sample.  The kid says yes.  I take a dark chocolate/orange ball.  Divine.  Then we sample one of the mint chocolates.  Also, great.  This is nuts.  We are stuffing ourselves with chocolate....the day before Thanksgiving.  I try a marzipan/chocolate.  I love marzipan.  We look like Lucy and Ethel in that episode at the candy factory.  I think about hiding some chocolate in my shirt but even I have limits.

Out of guilt, we actually buy some more chocolates.  I buy $50 worth for presents and to serve my guests on Christmas Day.

We get home and I decide that, due to my lack of self-control, I will hide the candy in my house.

Today, five days later, I call Lyn to see where I put the candy. 

I obviously did such a good job hiding it that I'm hoping I will find it in time for Christmas.

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