Sunday, September 19, 2010

I need a plan or two (lyn)

At our weight-watcher's meeting the other day, Betsy (a member I like very much and who frequently contributes astute observations), made this one (although she says it’s not of her origin):

The difference between a goal and a dream is a plan.

I love this line.  It works for WeightWatchers and it works in life.  Losing weight was easy for me because WW had already developed a proven plan.  I didn’t even have to discover it.  Meredith suggested it to me (one day when I was complaining about my weight) and fortuitously, M was thinking of joining at the same time.

Following a good plan is not difficult for me; creating one is.   Right now in my life I should have two goals:  find a man to spend my life with and/or an interesting job that will provide me with financial security (or the very least, income).  I think I may hate being poor more than I hate being without a man.  But I have no plans to achieve either goal.

As for the first, the man, I suppose I could join JDate.   But I had such a bad experience the first time I joined 8 years ago, I am loath to do it again.  I did meet one nice guy, but he wasn’t smart, interesting, funny, rich, athletic, or sexy enough.  Had he been even one of those things that would have been enough, but he was average (or below) on all of them.   Another guy stood me up when I told him I was 51, and not the 48 he thought I was.  There was one man I was attracted to, but after our first date, I never saw him again, despite a few failed attempts.  But the worst was a grammatically-challenged man from Brooklyn, who showed up to our date adorned in a black shirt replete with a gold chain.  We met at Willy’s, a local restaurant, and he was late.  I had already ordered a glass of wine.  He arrived and chose not to drink OR eat.  He sat down at the table, and within ten minutes excused himself, and left.  I stopped JDate that night.  I don’t like bars, never did, so that option is out.  And no one I know seems to know anyone to fix me up with.  So hear I sit, stuck without a plan. 

As for a job, I don’t know what to do.  I am running out of money, so I need to work, but don’t know how to find a job anymore.  My resume and letters never get answered, so sending any out, regardless of how specific and compelling they may seem to me, seems fruitless.  And like a man, no one I know seems to know anyone who is hiring. 

But I do feel much better about the way I look now.  And I do have more confidence than I did a year ago.  Okay, it’s the start of a New Year.  Time to make some plans.

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