On the personal side, the year will most notably be remembered for three things: the college admissions process, my weight loss, and a continued lack of employment. Alexander and I visited 17 schools, and laughed our way through the South with Zelia and Rodrigo and the North with Jean and Sally. In the end, Alexander applied to 14 schools and has so far been accepted at two: University of Michigan (Ann Arbor) and University of Wisconsin (Madison). The rest we’ll likely not hear from until late-March, early April. I went from a hefty 160 pounds in September of 2009 to 120, by the end of May. Being skinny is so much better. At least in clothes, I think I look really good, for the first time in years. I have still been unsuccessful in finding employment. Getting so many rejections is hard, and makes my desire to continue to look increasingly difficult. I was particularly disappointed by my inability to make any inroads at all with Weight Watchers. I had to go into my small retirement fund, and that scares me more than my mother’s anger at my lack of employment. As Alexander ponders his future, I do the same with mine. My parents are well, but my dad’s life has been compromised by his knee problem and anemia. He’s become much less mobile and hopes to get a knee replacement early next year. M and I continue to blog (she promises to write again soon), and we both hope that maybe, just maybe, our blog will one day be published. Our followers are loyal and encouraging. Thank you all. This year, we’ve had 814 visitors from 22 countries, 5 continents, and 38 states. Despite some difficulties, it’s easy to forget how much there is to be grateful for. I’m rich in the gifts of friendship and family. Alexander’s keen sense of humor and spot-on accents make me, and everyone around him, laugh. He is my greatest gift.
Happy New York everyone. May 2011 bring you much laughter, good health, passion and happiness.
Happy New York everyone. May 2011 bring you much laughter, good health, passion and happiness.