Tuesday, July 12, 2011

bike ride with T (m)

My husband and I decide on a bike ride. We'll just go from our house into the next town and back. 10-mile round trip. Mostly flat terrain but a few "gentle hills" here and there.

We start out and he shoots ahead of me. Out of sight. Every now and then, I catch up with him. He's sitting on his bike, one foot on the ground, looking frustrated.

Now remember, I ride with Sam who is a two-sport collegiate athlete and is very fast. I'm sure Sam could go much faster on our rides, but he keeps pace with me and never complains that I'm going too slowly. In fact, he comments that he is surprised I keep a good pace.

Anyway, on this day with my husband (July 3rd), I'm struggling. There's something wrong with my 22-year old bike. When we go downhill, I can't get any traction. The wheels spin like crazy.

When we go uphill, the gears shift on their own and lock into the first position...the one with the most tension. I push and push until I think I could have a stroke.

Since that bike ride, three things have happened:

1. My knees kill more than ever.
2. I have developed plantar fasciitis on my right heel.
3. The bike went in for service--the chain is "80% gone."

So, I have to give up bike riding for the next week until the bike comes back from the shop and my knees settle down.

Meanwhile, I go to a Marshall's here in Pennsylvania last night and buy another pair of walking poles.

These, however, light up at night.

Now I can walk even when the moon's not out.

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