Tuesday, April 17, 2012

good karma or something like that (lyn)

This morning Gail calls.  Before we hang up she says, “I am going to dedicate my yoga session to you.”  I assume she means that I’ll get the benefit of her workout without doing any of the work.   But I’m wrong.  Later she emails me:

I said the wrong thing --  my yoga practice today gave you my *intention* (kind of like dedicating one's practice) --  and the class was AMAZING.

This should be very, very good for you!!!!

It works.  Three good things happen to me today.

  1. I have a meeting with Zoe and she acts as if last week never happened.  To her credit, she pretends to like me, and the meeting is a highly productive and efficient done. 
  1. After my meeting I head over to nearby Century 21.  I’m hoping to find some basic work clothes, assuming optimistically I’ll be making business calls.  I whittle my choices down to eleven items, including three skirts (all size 6), one sweater, and seven blouses.  The final contenders are a black-on-black cotton skirt by Philosophy (di Alberta Ferretti), marked down from $450 to $139, and a white blouse.  I try both on twice.  I ask everyone in the open dressing room what they think, even those who appear to have bad taste, judging by the clothing they have chosen to try on.  Everyone agrees; the skirt fits well and looks nice.  It wows no one.  I then decide I really don’t need another black skirt and white blouse, regardless of how beautifully designed and price-reduced they may be.  I leave the store, two hours after arriving, with sore feet and my credit cards intact. 
  1. Before going home, I stop at 16 Handles for a late lunch and they have my two favorite sorbets:  mango and raspberry-pomegranate.
Thank you Gail for the intention.  Since it worked so well, can Alexander have some for his finals next month?

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