Tuesday, September 15, 2009

counting points (m)

If you estimate your weight and take the first two digits, add the points for your gender, age and level of activity (I'm surprised they don't have you divide by your shoe size) you arrive at the total number of points you can consume for a day. The number of points is calculated to help you lose up to two pounds per week.

As your weight changes, your allotted points drops. There's an incentive! So if you were consuming, say, 22 points during Week One and you lose ten pounds, you consume 21 points the next time. But this is a nit. I've got bigger fish to fry...or broil.

Here's the problem. My favorite breakfast is the McDonald's McSkillet burrito. I have it once per week. It's so warm, soft and mushy. The flavors explode in your mouth and you feel so full and happy for hours.

I looked it up online. 17 points for that sucker.

Five points left. So, if I have my required milk and oils for the day, that leaves me with one point. A small apple? A 100-calorie bag of light popcorn?

I feel like a kid in a penny candy store with just one penny to spend.


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