Tuesday, February 16, 2010

my nightmare (lyn)

In preparation for Wednesday weigh-ins, Tuesday is always a low-eating day.  Today is no exception.  Miso soup for lunch, and sushi for dinner.  Not even an apple or popcorn in-between. 

I don’t notice how little I eat today, as I am getting swallowed up in this whole college process thing, and the accompanying stress.  What if Alexander doesn’t get into the schools he really wants?   I need to register him for the ACT (which a few months back I'd never heard of).  He’ll take that in April, after he takes the SAT’s in March.  And what SAT 2 tests should he take?  Those will be in June, right after he takes the AP exams in May for Spanish and Econ.  And how am I going to pay for college?  What if he doesn’t get enough scholarship money?  And what can he do this summer that is meaningful?  How can I help him and not annoy him?  And oh how I’ll miss him.  Will it be like getting a divorce when I’m still in love?  Or will I be happy for him and ready to give him his independence?  I hope the latter.

I suppose it’s good that I react to stress by eating less, not more.  But even so, it’s an uncomfortable state. and one not easy to escape.  Just this morning, I awoke from sleep remembering a nasty dream.  I was being fired for cause, and my boss (an attractive dark-haired female I don’t recognize) quietly (but with little sadness) provides a list of infractions I never knew I’d committed. She’s almost smiling as she tells me to clean out my office.

With relief I awake from a world where I'm being fired, into one where being fired is impossible.  Which is the bad dream?

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