Wednesday, February 24, 2010

what matters most (m)

Canadian figure skater Joannie Rochette's mother passed away suddenly this week of a massive heart attack while at the Olympics.  If you just watched the women's short program, you would have seen a rare moment of humanity, with all countries joined together, lifting this broken-hearted skater's spirits by giving her a standing ovation.

To her credit, Joannie--an only child--held it together when she came on the ice and all throughout her program.  It was only after she finished that she broke down.

I mentioned to Harrison that she probably felt she could let it all out now that she had finished her skate.  He looked at me and said, "No.  I don't think that's it.  I think it's that she's looking at all those people in the audience and realizes that the one who matters most is not there."

He turned to me and said: "That's what I do.  Look for you."  Then he said "I'm really happy you decided to get healthy."


  1. Anonymous9:12 PM EST

    Whoa baby, this one actually made me cry. What mother doesn't hope her kids feel that way about her? More importantly, what mother gets to hear that her kid actually does?

  2. Thanks, "Anonymous". Glad to hear from you.
