Friday, February 12, 2010

limbo (m)

Everything I know about religion I learned from the Baltimore Catechism. 

Sr. Mary of the Rosary (my first grade teacher) told us that, if we were very good, we went to Heaven.  If we were very bad, we went to Hell.  I distinctly remember the book's illustration of Hell.  It showed people looking anguished, pleading for clemency, while burning to a crisp.  I had a sick flashback to that scene while watching James Cameron's Titanic when the ship sank and the people were screaming in the water, knowing their fates were sealed.

But enough with Heaven and Hell.  What was most intriguing to me was Limbo.  This is where you went if you were not Heaven-ready but needed absolution for your venial sins.  A waiting room of sorts.  Not bad but not good, either. 

I don't know about the afterlife, but I can attest to the fact that in this life, I am in Limbo. 

The needle on my scale has not moved in three weeks.  I weigh only one half of one pound less than I did when I came back from Spokane. 

I got on the scale today and told Elaine (at WW) that this was not a good week because of the birthday party where I consumed three days' worth of points in one meal.

Elaine weighed me and smiled.  I thought she knew something I didn't.  By her smile, I honestly thought she was going to tell me better news.  She says "This was a good week! You lost 1/2 a pound!"

Seriously, Elaine, you think this is good?  I did some quick math.  Knowing my goal and how much I have to lose to get there....if I lost 1/2 pound per week, it would take me almost 3 years to get to where I want to be.

Limbo.  This is where you go when you are not very good.  I reflected on my week.  The chocolate mousse, the clam chowder, the strawberry shortcake all in one day.

Limbo.  The big waiting room. 

I left the WW meeting and went shopping for all the ingredients I need for a successful week.

I will not plateau at this level.

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