Wednesday, April 28, 2010

alexander reaches a goal (lyn)

Alexander took the SAT’s in March and got exceptional scores in Math and Writing, but only a good score in Critical Reading.  He had planned to take them again.  In fact, he’s registered to take them this Saturday.

In April, Alexander took the ACT, which is also a standardized test accepted at all colleges.  A student can submit either the SAT or ACT.  The other day he received his ACT score and was thrilled to see that he was in the 99th percentile for English, Math, and Science, and the 97th percentile for Reading. 

He’s now done!  No more SAT or ACT tutoring.  He doesn’t have to spend six hours on Saturday taking the SAT’s again.  (He will still be taking SAT subject tests in Physics and Math2 next month, but at least now he can focus on those tests, his finals, and his three AP exams, without being distracted by more SAT/ACT prep.)  Based only on his ACT scores, my son is now competitive for any school in the US.  Of course there are other factors to consider (most importantly, his GPA), but as his college counselor said yesterday, “He’s done with the SAT’s or ACT’s.  His scores would not give any Admissions Officer a reason to pause.”

I am so proud of him.  He’s worked hard for this, and has done great.  And with all there is to do to prepare for college applications, this is now one box he can check as done!

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