Friday, June 11, 2010

freeze frame (m)

Remember when you were a kid and you made a face at someone and a grown up would scold you by saying: "Don't do that!  Your face might freeze that way!"

I often wondered what it would be like for my face to be frozen with my tongue sticking out at someone.  It never seemed to bother me.  Maybe it was because I thought it would be awfully efficient to have your face permanently set in the highest-use mode.

Today, I called my doctor to discuss some symptoms I've been having which concern me less from a health standpoint and more from a weight loss standpoint.  You see, I seem to be in a permanent pre-menstrual state:  bloating, crankiness, etc.

My doctor is a thin uber-WASP who travels "neat" countries to have action-packed adventurous vacations: diving, mountain-climbing, etc. 

She explained that this is part of menopause.  I have enough hormones to bring on classic pre-menstrual symptoms, but not enough to finish the job.

So...are you saying that I'm stuck like this for a while? I asked.

"Our bodies are amazing things," she replied airily.

"For how long?" I asked.

"Your body will take its own time.  Everyone is different," she said.

"Yes...but seriously, HOW LONG COULD IT LAST?" I asked.

The answer:  could be a year.

I think I'd rather have my eyes crossed for that long.

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