Saturday, November 7, 2009

jean therapy (lyn)

I’m guessing I’m not alone in having multiple sizes of jeans. Hidden in my closet, and stuffed in my drawers, are four levels:

Biggest/most recent:  These are the jeans I bought this past summer. I have only two pair, as even when I bought them, I was already thinking that I would lose weight.  Of course at that point I was only fantasizing.  Losing weight was as realistic a thought as dating George Clooney. But now that I am actively involved in getting thinner, the jeans no longer fit, and have been moved from my active drawer, to the back of my closet, where I hope they will stay.
Size 30: I bought this series of jeans two summers ago.  I am wearing these now, and they are beginning to feel a little loose.
Size 29: This is the size I have worn most of my adult life.  This afternoon I took a pair from my closet and put them on.  I could squeeze into them and even go out in them.  I did, for about 20 minutes.  But they are not comfortable.  I’m hoping that in another 5-7 pounds I’ll be wearing them most of the time.
Size 28: I love being this size but can only remember twice in my life when I was:  in 1989 when I first met and started dating Alexander’s father.  I was so in love I couldn’t eat.  And again in 2006, when I was so anxious that I had zero interest in food.  If I ever get to this size again, I’ll be there in a healthier state.

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