Thursday, January 21, 2010

home (m)

Walk into the house starving.  No food on the plane.  My Quiznos sub with a hair in it. Bad mood.

The list of projects never got done for one "good" reason or another.  The garage door keypad could not be fixed (back in my court to solve).  My husband went to replace some light bulbs and got one stuck in a socket.  He shut down the circuit breaker for safety which turned the power off in the boys' bathroom and H's bedroom.  He called me in Spokane to tell me this.  Seriously?  Am I supposed to fix this from across the country?  I gave him the number for the electrician and hung up the phone.

There is an enormous stack of mail.  We get alot every day but the "mail fairy" (me) weeds out the extraneous stuff.  This did not happen while I was gone.  "Well, I wasn't sure what you'd want to keep," my husband says.  I hold up flyer.  "Where's the dog?" I say.  "What dog...we don't have a dog," he says.  "Then why are you holding onto a solicitation from a dog groomer?"  Is it me?

The seat is up in the bathroom.  The roll of toilet paper is empty. 

I snack on cereal and skim milk.

The scale better be down this week.

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