Monday, January 11, 2010

prepping for an interview (m)

A few years ago, I had to interview a candidate to be my VP of Marketing.  I was supposed to meet her at the Four Seasons hotel, in the fancy dining room, for dinner.

I forgot about the appointment.

Instead, I went home from work, ate 4 slices of pizza and fell asleep reading a book.

An hour into my slumber, I got a call from the VP of Human Resources in my company.

"Where the hell are you?

Like that scene in the movie  Four Weddings and a Funeral, I sprung out of bed shouting "f....., f...ity, f...".

I went to the Four Seasons, met the person, apologized profusely, and...ate another full dinner.

Tonight, I had to interview a prospective student for my college.  In contrast to the disaster I just described, I did the following:

-wrote the interview down on my calendar
-planned to eat dinner beforehand so I wouldn't be hungry during the interview or ravenous afterwards
-had dinner (1/2 can black beans, 1 TBS sour cream, salsa...a veritable fiesta!)
-arrived 15 minutes early for the interview
-conducted the interview calmly and professionally.

I think Weight Watchers is bringing some much-needed discipline to my life.

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