Monday, March 1, 2010

a profitable discovery (m)

I call the number for abandoned properties to determine if there is any money owed me.

I am shocked when a clerk picks up the phone on the third ring.  A real person.

I explain I am one of the people listed in the paper.  She asks for my name.  I give it to her exactly as listed in the paper which was a little funky as it had my last name, first name, husband's last name and the first two letters of my husband's first name... in that order.

She asks if I've ever lived in either of two cities...suburbs of Boston...neither of which I've lived in.  My heart sinks.  Then, I quickly move from disappointment to anger...who else would have that combination of names?  I am ready to fight for what's mine, even though I have no clue as to what that is.

She asks where else in Massachusetts I have lived.  I give her my first apartment on Commonwealth Avenue (lived there with Abby).  No.  My first condo on Marlborough Street.  No.  Our first house in Chestnut Hill.  No.  My current home.  No.  My parents' home.  No.

I've run out of places I've lived.

Just when I thought it was over, she says she will give me one final question.  I feel like I'm on Jeopardy.  Everything depends upon this answer.  "Have you ever lived on Boylston Street?"

Boylston Street.  Nobody lives on Boylston Street.  Boylston Street is retail and office buildings.  Office buildings!!!  I worked on Boylston Street.  YES!  I give her the exact address of my former office (no longer there).

She is as excited as I am at this point and tells me I have $1,208.00 from an old insurance policy.

It may not be enough to put anyone through college or go on an exotic vacation, but it is more than enough to buy the red DVF wrap dress.

Now "all" I have to do is lose the rest of the weight.

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